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Posts tagged “hedgerow


Here are two photographs, the same viewpoint taken only seconds apart.

I had two reactions as I looked at these photographs on my computer.

The first was irritation that neither one was a clear picture – I could see either the foreground or the background.

The second was that this is how life works  – we often spend our time obsessing over the minor detail and miss the broader implication or we only look at the big picture and miss the thing we should concentrate upon.

I think I must try harder to get both in focus at the same time.

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Not lichen the thaw much

We’re now up to positive temperatures for the day and night-time and a thaw has set in, albeit a slow thaw.  The pavements are slick with almost, but not quite, thawed ice in lumps and slippery bumps.

But whatever the weather, dogs need exercise so we went out.  There was a wetness in the air that wasn’t quite visible, but could be felt as we walked around the village.

I took my camera with me even though I didn’t expect to get a good photo because of the overcast weather, but I thought I’d give it a go.  Along the main road are some bushes with branches almost entirely covered in lichen, they are mustard yellow and look quite peculiar.

I was quite enjoying taking my snaps but the dogs weren’t and started complaining and tugging at their leads, so we came home as quickly as the icy path would allow.  However, having had a look at the results I may decide to go back without them and have another go.

I’m trying to be more discerning with the photographs I post and have chosen three for today.

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Lichen the snow

On one of the routes of my village walks with the dogs I pass some trees and shrubs with lichen growing on the trunks and branches.

In the summer foliage means that it’s not easy to see, but at this time of year it’s quite visible if you pay attention as you’re passing by.

At a distance, the lichen looks like smudges on the bark but if examined more closely many colours can be found.  The shapes also fascinate me.

Today was brilliantly sunny and the light was good, and I was able to take photos of the lichen on snowy branches.  Over the past few days the snow has melted and refrozen; it sparkled like crystal glass in the sunlight.

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Winter Walk #One


I went for a walk with the dogs on the Magog Downs this morning.  It was bitterly cold, -5C, so I wrapped myself and the dogs up in warm coats.

They [the dogs] were madly rambunctious this morning.  I think that they were intoxicated with the cold, the smells must have been so bright, and it went to their heads.  I had to put them on their leads because they were so bumptious.

After an hour or so we were all cold and wanted to come home to the warm.

The frost on the hedgerows and trees was amazing with crystals of ice glinting in the sunlight.

The temperature here has slowly risen throughout the day to a balmy 0C.

Sunday’s stroll

The dogs and I took a stroll around the village on this sunny Sunday morning.  The day had started of misty and cool but by 9am the sun was out and  shining strongly.

At one point on our normal weekday morning walk we pass a fence which is covered in ivy, a large leafed, variegated variety.  I’ve rarely got time to look at it carefully because of  workday time constraints that impinge on my morning schedule.  This morning, as I had plenty of time and the weather was fine, I stopped and looked closely.  I counted 3 great big spiders, all engaged in their Sunday morning breakfast.  There were other smaller insects, not all of them were on the buffet, but I stopped counting once I reached 3.

Hedgerows in the wider countryside are heavy with fruit this autumn, and the same can be said for gardens and verges in the village.  And I found another ladybird, sunning herself on a leaf.

Later, the day turned into a right scorcher for the time of year.  I got 4 loads of washing done and pegged out, so now I have a houseful of clothes being aired before putting away – whenever that’ll be.